
Using Music Therapy to Teach Skills at School An Interview with Ryan Judd

Using Music Therapy to Teach Skills at School An Interview with Ryan Judd

This episode is all about music. Have you ever felt anxious and put on your favorite calming song? Or perhaps sad and delved into a heartfelt playlist? I would guess most of us use music to fuel our tough workouts! My guest on this episode Ryan Judd is an internationally known music therapist who uses the power of song with children - mainly in the school setting. Research shows music produces Oxytocin in the brain which is the hormone associated with social bonding, a very important skill to learn as a child. Listening isn’t the only part that is beneficial, but playing music can help children bond further and release any emotions through sensory play. 

The topics we cover in this episode are:

Coping Skills for Adults: Distraction Strategies

Coping Skills for Adults: Distraction Strategies

Today I want to focus on the coping style of distraction. Distraction is really focused on play and fun activities to help us manage big thoughts, emotions and feelings, but let’s focus on the adult piece of play in this episode. Play is a natural stress reliever which can have a big impact on relationships and work therefore we could all do with a little more fun and play in our lives. I want you to consider; what is fun for you? What can you do today to help relieve some stress? 

The topics we cover in this episode are:

Give Me Some Space: Helping Kids Regulate Anywhere with Jana York

Give Me Some Space: Helping Kids Regulate Anywhere with Jana York

This week I spoke to the lovely Jana York, a certified mindfulness and meditation teacher about how we can help our kids through the power of the breath. Mindfulness thankfully is everywhere these days, it may have started in the east but it’s definitely being adopted in the west. Speaking of geography, Jana York has taught children in Japan and Thailand, from her experience there she learned a lot of ways to use sensory toys and games to help children self-regulate and be more at peace with their anxiety. 

The topics we cover in this episode are:

Coping Skills for Adults: Relaxation Strategies

Coping Skills for Adults: Relaxation Strategies

This is the second episode in the ‘Coping Skills for Adults’ series, today I’m focusing on relaxation strategies. It’s so helpful to have a variety of coping strategies because each one will work better for different times. This episode is all about tapping into yourself, working out what works specifically for you, ignoring what you’re told should work on social media or by other people. The beauty of the human race is that we’re all different so listen to yourself and tap into what works for you. 

The topics we cover in this episode are:

Raising Happy Kids with Maureen Healy

Raising Happy Kids with Maureen Healy

Award-winning author, Maureen Healy is my guest on this week’s episode to talk all about emotions. When you think that our brains aren’t fully developed until our mid-twenties, it puts into perspective how difficult it is to deal with ever-changing emotions at the age of, say, 8 years old. My guest, Maureen, talks about her book ‘The Happiness Workbook for Kids’, and how it can help you as a parent or teacher to teach kids how to deal with emotions in a healthy way.

The topics we cover in this episode are:

How to Talk to Kids About Anything with Dr. Robyn Silverman

How to Talk to Kids About Anything with Dr. Robyn Silverman

All parents will face that moment when they have to have some of life’s hard conversations and speaking with your child to prepare them for what comes in life is key. We don’t really know when the right time is but in life we have to put the building blocks in place relationally with our children so that when that time comes, we can have proactive, sensitive and good conversations. 

Take a listen to this episode where I speak to Dr Robyn Silverman about how to talk to your kids about anything. 

The topics we cover in this episode are:

Coping Skills for Adults: Deep Breathing Strategies

Coping Skills for Adults: Deep Breathing Strategies

It’s been a while since I recorded a solo episode so here goes! During my mini break I was thinking; what can I do to support educators, counselors, families and parents with my podcast? And from that I felt inspired to do a mini series on coping skills for adults! I thought it’s a good time of year to start this series with a new school year approaching. It’s such a stressful and overwhelming time and I want to help you with it. 

The topics we cover in this episode are:

The Value of Breathing and Mindfulness with Jennifer Cohen Harper

The Value of Breathing and Mindfulness with Jennifer Cohen Harper

Take a long, slow, deep breath. In… and out. Doesn’t that feel a lot better? Today’s episode is all about breathing and how to regulate your nervous system. A lot of people say it and it’s just so true, the breath is so powerful and a good way to help navigate difficult situations and emotions. My guest is an expert in this field, Jennifer Cohen Harper is a mindfulness and yoga educator and she tells me the best practices when it comes to using your breath as well as the following topics…

The topics we cover in this episode are:

Raising Cactus Kids with Wendy Snyder

Raising Cactus Kids with Wendy Snyder

I’m thrilled to welcome Wendy Snyder, a Positive Parenting educator, family life coach & advocate to my podcast this week as she has such a brilliant story of when life gets hard, how you can flip it around to a positive and loving life. Wendy had so much trouble with her daughter being so strong willed after quitting her job to become a stay-at-home mom. She was convinced she had ADHD or something of the sort until she took a local parenting course. Take a listen to this episode to learn how you can flip up your life and gain the knowledge you need to have a more fulfilling and happy parenthood. 

The topics we cover in this episode are:

How to Raise Happy Kids with Sue Atkins

How to Raise Happy Kids with Sue Atkins

I’m excited to be speaking to world renowned parent expert Sue Atkins on this episode of the Calm & Connected podcast. We discuss the pro’s and con’s of having an outspoken child, they may make your life difficult but don’t you want a child who can stand up for themselves? Children are naturally so curious so it’s our job as their parents to help them learn and explore the world, not dull their experience so we don’t have to put the effort in. 

The topics we cover in this episode are:

Copyright © Coping Skills for Kids, part of Encourage Play, LLC 2025